MyLaps 12v Power Cable Direct Power TR2 Transponder
This is the same 12V DC power cable, as supplied with the hard-wired Direct Power MyLaps TR2 and TR2 GO transponders. It is perfect for anyone wanting to move a Direct Power transponder to a new car or to use one transponder in two cars. The hookup is a simple 2-wire setup. Sold individually.
This is the same replacement 12V DC power cable. As supplied with the hard-wired Direct Power MyLaps TR2 and TR2 Go transponders. Perfect for anyone wanting to move a Direct Power transponder to a new car. Or to use one transponder in two cars. Simple 2-wire hookup. Sold individually.
My Laps Direct Power Cables
- For MyLaps TR2 transponders only.
- Mylaps direct power cable.
- Not compatible with older TranX, MX, Flex, or X2 series.